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2005 Toyota Hiace
Cheltenham, VIC

14 trips
8  of 8
Van 4 doors 3 seats

Instant Keys
Just Listed

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This car uses Instant Keys – you'll pick up and return the key using a smart lockbox
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Loading... From $10.32/hr or $47.00/day + 53.0c/km
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Van 4 doors 3 seats

The Toyota Hiace is a popular option for UberCarShare rental due to its versatile design and spacious interior. This midsize van is perfect for transporting larger groups of passengers or carrying ample cargo. With its comfortable seating and impressive safety features, the Toyota Hiace provides a reliable and enjoyable ride for both drivers and passengers. Equipped with a powerful yet efficient engine, the Toyota Hiace delivers a smooth and responsive driving experience, making it well-suited for urban driving and longer trips. Its practical design and maneuverability also make it easy to navigate through city streets and park in tight spaces, enhancing the convenience for both drivers and passengers. The interior of the Toyota Hiace offers ample space for passengers to comfortably stretch out, store their belongings, and enjoy the journey. The well-designed seating arrangement ensures a comfortable ride for everyone on board, while the intuitive controls and modern amenities enhance the overall travel experience. Additionally, the van's generous cargo capacity makes it easy to accommodate passengers' luggage, sports equipment, or other bulky items, further adding to its appeal as a vehicle for UberCarShare rental. In terms of safety, the Toyota Hiace comes equipped with advanced features to provide peace of mind for both drivers and passengers. From its comprehensive airbag system to its electronic stability control and traction control, the Toyota Hiace prioritizes safety on the road. This focus on safety aligns with the standards of UberCarShare, further establishing the Toyota Hiace as a suitable choice for rental within this service. Overall, the Toyota Hiace stands out as a dependable, versatile, and comfortable option for UberCarShare rental. Its combination of practicality, performance, and safety features makes it an ideal vehicle for accommodating the needs of UberCarShare drivers and their passengers. Whether it's ferrying a group of friends to an event or transporting passengers and their belongings to their destination, the Toyota Hiace is well-equipped to meet the demands of UberCarShare and provide a satisfying experience for all involved.

Air conditioning
Pet friendly
Roof racks
Safety and technology
USB input/charger
No smoking
How are prices calculated?
Before your trip

When you enter dates and book your trip, you pay the upfront trip costs, which includes:

  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

You’ll be charged the following after your trip:

Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2005 Toyota Hiace
Cheltenham, VIC

14 trips
8  of 8
Van 4 doors 3 seats

Instant Keys
Just Listed

Van 4 doors 3 seats

The Toyota Hiace is a popular option for UberCarShare rental due to its versatile design and spacious interior. This midsize van is perfect for transporting larger groups of passengers or carrying ample cargo. With its comfortable seating and impressive safety features, the Toyota Hiace provides a reliable and enjoyable ride for both drivers and passengers. Equipped with a powerful yet efficient engine, the Toyota Hiace delivers a smooth and responsive driving experience, making it well-suited for urban driving and longer trips. Its practical design and maneuverability also make it easy to navigate through city streets and park in tight spaces, enhancing the convenience for both drivers and passengers. The interior of the Toyota Hiace offers ample space for passengers to comfortably stretch out, store their belongings, and enjoy the journey. The well-designed seating arrangement ensures a comfortable ride for everyone on board, while the intuitive controls and modern amenities enhance the overall travel experience. Additionally, the van's generous cargo capacity makes it easy to accommodate passengers' luggage, sports equipment, or other bulky items, further adding to its appeal as a vehicle for UberCarShare rental. In terms of safety, the Toyota Hiace comes equipped with advanced features to provide peace of mind for both drivers and passengers. From its comprehensive airbag system to its electronic stability control and traction control, the Toyota Hiace prioritizes safety on the road. This focus on safety aligns with the standards of UberCarShare, further establishing the Toyota Hiace as a suitable choice for rental within this service. Overall, the Toyota Hiace stands out as a dependable, versatile, and comfortable option for UberCarShare rental. Its combination of practicality, performance, and safety features makes it an ideal vehicle for accommodating the needs of UberCarShare drivers and their passengers. Whether it's ferrying a group of friends to an event or transporting passengers and their belongings to their destination, the Toyota Hiace is well-equipped to meet the demands of UberCarShare and provide a satisfying experience for all involved.

Air conditioning
Pet friendly
Roof racks
Safety and technology
USB input/charger
No smoking
Pay the hourly rate until you reach the daily rate
1 hour minimum
Trips must start and end between 6am - 11pm.
March 2024

March 2024

March 2024

February 2024

Really handy local van, great option when you need to pick up a large furniture for a fair price.

Shared by AHMAD
Sharing since Oct 2023
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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