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2005 Toyota Alphard
Vermont South, VIC

74 trips
47  of 48
People Mover 5 doors 7 seats

Instant Keys
2 years sharing
Trusty Car
Serviced 2023-10-11

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This car uses Instant Keys – you'll pick up and return the key using a smart lockbox
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People Mover 5 doors 7 seats

PROFILE DESCRIPTION 7-SEATER PEOPLE MOVER VAN WITH ELECTRIC MIDDLE LIFT CHAIR Spend the day with "Alphy" (あるふぃ) - a 2005 Toyota Alphard x Welcab available all year round for rent. Super comfortable to drive and perfect for the whole family on long holidays. An electric middle lift chair is able to be detached for use as a wheelchair. Space for storing fold-up wheelchair in the boot. Note: The chair lift has a lift weight limit of 100kgs. ✅ SatNav (GPS). ✅ Bluetooth. ✅ Phone holder. ✅ USB charger. ✅ Sound system + CD player. ✅ Power sliding doors. ✅ Reverse sensor cameras. CAR MANUAL DRIVING AND REFUELING "ALPHY" 1. Insert the key on the right hand side of the steering wheel, turn it toward the front of the car. (If the key is accidentally "locked", wriggle the steering wheel a few times and try again) 2. Release FOOT BRAKE on the left hand side before driving. 3. Reverse sensor camera and loud beeping noises will automatically activate when in Reverse. 4. Fuel gauge lever is on the bottom right hand side of the steering wheel. 5. "Alphy" takes Premium Unleaded Fuel (95, 98) ONLY. USING SLIDING DOORS manually Pull handle gently (don't drag it) to activate sliding doors. USING THE MIDDLE LIFT CHAIR 1. Park "Alphy" with at least 2 metres clearance on the front passenger side & on a FLAT surface. 2. Use the remote located behind the front passenger seat with bright yellow buttons to electronically move the middle lift chair on and off the car. a. To lower the lift chair out of the car, press and hold the bottom button ('Down' 下) until you hear two beeps. The wheels of the lift chair should have touched the floor and is able to be detached from the car and used as a wheelchair. b. To retract the platform or lift chair back into the car, press and hold the top button ('Up' 上) until you hear two beeps. The wheels should have retracted and the lift chair should now be parallel with the normal car seats. 3. If using the detachable middle lift chair as a wheelchair, you can apply 'brakes' using the levers on the handle, or on the chair. Please release this BEFORE retracting the lift chair back into the car, otherwise you will hear a loud rubbery noise. 4. There is space in the boot for a fold-up wheelchair. USING SATNAV/GPS 1. Wake up the display (touch-screen) - the GPS should automatically start loading. 2. Follow instructions to set destination address.

Air conditioning
Folding rear seat
Safety and technology
No smoking
No pets
How are prices calculated?
Before your trip

When you enter dates and book your trip, you pay the upfront trip costs, which includes:

  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

You’ll be charged the following after your trip:

Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2005 Toyota Alphard
Vermont South, VIC

74 trips
47  of 48
People Mover 5 doors 7 seats

Instant Keys
2 years sharing
Trusty Car
Serviced 2023-10-11

People Mover 5 doors 7 seats

PROFILE DESCRIPTION 7-SEATER PEOPLE MOVER VAN WITH ELECTRIC MIDDLE LIFT CHAIR Spend the day with "Alphy" (あるふぃ) - a 2005 Toyota Alphard x Welcab available all year round for rent. Super comfortable to drive and perfect for the whole family on long holidays. An electric middle lift chair is able to be detached for use as a wheelchair. Space for storing fold-up wheelchair in the boot. Note: The chair lift has a lift weight limit of 100kgs. ✅ SatNav (GPS). ✅ Bluetooth. ✅ Phone holder. ✅ USB charger. ✅ Sound system + CD player. ✅ Power sliding doors. ✅ Reverse sensor cameras. CAR MANUAL DRIVING AND REFUELING "ALPHY" 1. Insert the key on the right hand side of the steering wheel, turn it toward the front of the car. (If the key is accidentally "locked", wriggle the steering wheel a few times and try again) 2. Release FOOT BRAKE on the left hand side before driving. 3. Reverse sensor camera and loud beeping noises will automatically activate when in Reverse. 4. Fuel gauge lever is on the bottom right hand side of the steering wheel. 5. "Alphy" takes Premium Unleaded Fuel (95, 98) ONLY. USING SLIDING DOORS manually Pull handle gently (don't drag it) to activate sliding doors. USING THE MIDDLE LIFT CHAIR 1. Park "Alphy" with at least 2 metres clearance on the front passenger side & on a FLAT surface. 2. Use the remote located behind the front passenger seat with bright yellow buttons to electronically move the middle lift chair on and off the car. a. To lower the lift chair out of the car, press and hold the bottom button ('Down' 下) until you hear two beeps. The wheels of the lift chair should have touched the floor and is able to be detached from the car and used as a wheelchair. b. To retract the platform or lift chair back into the car, press and hold the top button ('Up' 上) until you hear two beeps. The wheels should have retracted and the lift chair should now be parallel with the normal car seats. 3. If using the detachable middle lift chair as a wheelchair, you can apply 'brakes' using the levers on the handle, or on the chair. Please release this BEFORE retracting the lift chair back into the car, otherwise you will hear a loud rubbery noise. 4. There is space in the boot for a fold-up wheelchair. USING SATNAV/GPS 1. Wake up the display (touch-screen) - the GPS should automatically start loading. 2. Follow instructions to set destination address.

Air conditioning
Folding rear seat
Safety and technology
No smoking
No pets
Pay the hourly rate until you reach the daily rate
1 hour minimum
5% discount for 3 days +
10% discount for 12 days +
Trips must start and end between 6am - 11pm.
March 2024

Great car to drive. very comfortable

February 2024

Teck John
January 2024

All good. thanks

Dharmendhar Reddy
January 2024

very dirty

Shared by Zhao
Sharing since Mar 2019
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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