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2018 Kia Carnival
Homebush West, NSW

254 trips
155  of 162
People Mover 5 doors 8 seats

Instant Keys
3 years sharing
Serviced 2023-08-02

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This car uses Instant Keys – you'll pick up and return the key using a smart lockbox
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People Mover 5 doors 8 seats

My Kia Carnival 2018 GDI is the perfect solution for families and groups who want a reliable vehicle that is as happy in the city as out on the open road. This car is Australia’s number one affordable people carrier, for a host of reasons. The car has a V6 3.3L petrol engine and seats up to eight, with seatbelts throughout. Included are a host of safety and convenience features including auto emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, a reversing camera and rear parking sensors. Even fully laden, the Carnival gets almost 100km on 11L of fuel. It has an eight-speed automatic transmission, which makes driving it a pleasure, and road handling on tight corners is great. Despite being a family-friendly people carrier, the Carnival is smartly styled, with its “tiger nose” front grill and sleek headlights. The interior is comfortable and surprisingly roomy. Once you’ve driven the Kia Carnival, I guarantee you’ll want one yourself. ** Disclaimer ** Please note that this vehicle is primarily used for personal purposes and, as such, it may not present the same condition as a car from a professional rental company. While I endeavour to maintain a clean and comfortable environment, the vehicle is not professionally cleaned after each drive. I assure you that the car is well-maintained and safe for your use, but I request your understanding that it may not meet the 5-star cleanliness standard of a commercial rental car. Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated. Before leaving a review, I kindly ask you to consider the personal nature of this service. If your experience does not entirely meet your expectations, please think twice before giving a thumbs down. I value your feedback and strive to improve wherever possible.

Air conditioning
Child seat
Folding rear seat
No smoking
No pets
How are prices calculated?
Before your trip

When you enter dates and book your trip, you pay the upfront trip costs, which includes:

  • Booking fee
  • Time charges - hourly or daily rate
  • Basic Cover
After your trip

You’ll be charged the following after your trip:

Peak rates may apply

Owners set their own rates and may set peak hourly or daily rates for certain periods.

2018 Kia Carnival
Homebush West, NSW

254 trips
155  of 162
People Mover 5 doors 8 seats

Instant Keys
3 years sharing
Serviced 2023-08-02

People Mover 5 doors 8 seats

My Kia Carnival 2018 GDI is the perfect solution for families and groups who want a reliable vehicle that is as happy in the city as out on the open road. This car is Australia’s number one affordable people carrier, for a host of reasons. The car has a V6 3.3L petrol engine and seats up to eight, with seatbelts throughout. Included are a host of safety and convenience features including auto emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, a reversing camera and rear parking sensors. Even fully laden, the Carnival gets almost 100km on 11L of fuel. It has an eight-speed automatic transmission, which makes driving it a pleasure, and road handling on tight corners is great. Despite being a family-friendly people carrier, the Carnival is smartly styled, with its “tiger nose” front grill and sleek headlights. The interior is comfortable and surprisingly roomy. Once you’ve driven the Kia Carnival, I guarantee you’ll want one yourself. ** Disclaimer ** Please note that this vehicle is primarily used for personal purposes and, as such, it may not present the same condition as a car from a professional rental company. While I endeavour to maintain a clean and comfortable environment, the vehicle is not professionally cleaned after each drive. I assure you that the car is well-maintained and safe for your use, but I request your understanding that it may not meet the 5-star cleanliness standard of a commercial rental car. Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated. Before leaving a review, I kindly ask you to consider the personal nature of this service. If your experience does not entirely meet your expectations, please think twice before giving a thumbs down. I value your feedback and strive to improve wherever possible.

Air conditioning
Child seat
Folding rear seat
No smoking
No pets
Pay the hourly rate until you reach the daily rate
1 hour minimum
5% discount for 3 days +
10% discount for 12 days +
Trips must start and end between 6am - 11pm.
April 2024

perfect car for big family.

Hari Krishnan
March 2024

We all had a wonderful drive . Car was in good condition interior wise and mechanical wise

Cliff Anthony
March 2024

The car is great. Good for moving people and is generally clean. The owner is kind as well.

Response from Rommel

I appreciate your kind words. Thank goodness for borrowers like you! God bless.

February 2024

BEWARE!! I would avoid this family at all cost , there car smells bad and they will try and charge you for things that didn't happen.

Response from Rommel

Let me clarify a few things. Firstly, this is not a family-run business. I am the sole owner and manager. Secondly, I have not charged you for anything other than the agreed rental fee. I've already investigated your claims with UberShare, and they have confirmed that no extra charges or claims were made. Lastly, the private message you sent to me with the words 'karma' tells me that you've targeted THE WRONG PERSON! I have done nothing wrong except provide you with a rental car. So, your fake review is not appreciated! If the car wasn't to your liking, then I apologise. However, please refrain from writing fake reviews. As owners, we try our best to provide a good service to people who need temporary cars for their trips. Unfortunately, some people return the car in a dirty or even sandy condition, leaving us to clean it before the next borrower, which could affect their borrowing experience. A little bit of gratitude goes a long way, so please be nice to people. There is already enough negativity in the world; let's not add to it.

Shared by Rommel
Sharing since Jun 2020
Exact location provided 15 minutes prior to your trip.
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